Thank you everyone for coming today. My name is Jim Fisher, and I am the President of the CFBTS.
I would like to sincerely thank Fire Chief Steve Dongworth from the Calgary Fire Department for being here with us today, as well as Dr Vincent Gabriel from the Calgary Firefighters Burn Centre.
I would also like to thank the Calgary Health Trust for all of their many efforts, and our unofficial spokesperson, Don Adamson, who has been banging our drum since we had the honour of getting to know him, many years ago.
I absolutely have to commend the Board of the CFBTS who work tirelessly to make contributions like this possible, and the many members of the Calgary Firefighters Association and Calgary Fire Department who support our endeavors.
I would like to particularly recognize the Director of the Calgary Firefighters Burn Centre, Dr. Duncan Nickerson, along with Dr Jeff Beirnaskie, who is heading up our ground-breaking research in skin regeneration, who could not be in attendance today.
For the past 38 years, the CFBTS has been raising funds for the betterment of burn injury or skin disease in southern Alberta. We use our defining principles of TRACE:
Treatment, Research, Awareness, Care, and Education
…to direct our efforts to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients.
I am honoured to be part of the amazing work that is being done here at the Calgary Firefighters Burn Centre.
Today, it is my great privilege to now present a cheque for $1.44 million dollars on behalf of Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Society to
Calgary Health Trust and the Calgary Firefighters Burn Unit.
Can I please ask Jill Olynyk, Dr. Vincent Gabriel and Fire Chief Dongworth to join me in this special presentation.