This week at the American Burn Association annual meeting we were awarded the Dr. John A Moncrief Award.
The John A. Moncrief Award is awarded to fire services for outstanding contribution in the area of burn prevention or burn care. Dr. John A. Moncrief was one of the founders of the ABA and its third President.
Dr. Moncrief was Chief of General Surgery at Fort Sill Army Hospital. He then was assigned to the U.S. Army Surgical Research Unit in 1951, then commanded by Dr. Curtis Artz. His enthusiasm for surgical research and burn care was contagious, and many surgeons, on returning home after completing their military service, developed burn units of their own. He focused his clinical and investigative skills in wound management, and with Dr. Bruce Mac Millan, carried out the first clinical studies of massive wound excision.
We are proud to share this award with all of you, our volunteers, burn survivors and all the team at the Burn Unit. Thank you for your generosity and constant support! We couldn’t do any of this without you!