Who We Support2025-03-18T15:42:04-06:00

The Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Centre (CFBTC) is on the 3rd floor (Unit 30) at the Foothills Medical Centre located at 1403 29 Street NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

It is the treatment referral centre for burn victims in southern Alberta, southeastern British Columbia, southwestern Saskatchewan, and northern Montana.

Calgary Firefighter Burn Treatment Society-8738

In July 1987 the CFBTC opened at a total cost of $1.2 million, with all funds coming from private sources. The CFBTC consists of an eight bed unit with the ability to increase to 12 and cares for over  50 patients per year, with an average length of stay of 25 days. The Centre provides treatment and therapy for burn patients as well as those who suffer from frostbite, hypothermia and other skin-loss injuries. Many of those same patients return for outpatient care, sometimes for many years depending on the severity of the injuries.

On October 29, 2003, the Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Centre re-opened after extensive renovations totalling $2.55 million dollars, of which $1 million was funded through donations from the Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Society (CFBTS), making this facility a centre of excellence in Alberta for patients with skin injuries.

In 2016 the CFBTS presented a donation of $1.44 million; bringing the total raised since 1978 to over $8 million!

For skin injury patients, the road to recovery is often long and arduous, but with the constantly improving Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Centre their recovery will be augmented the help of first rate equipment and highly trained staff. Improvements and expansion of the CFBTC include:

  • Four new monitoring/isolation rooms, which allow for individualized climate controls and reversible positive/negative airflow for infection control.

  • Cardiac monitors, equipment panels and bed dockers were added to all the rooms for the purpose of ECG monitoring and management of equipment. Each private isolation room also features a ceiling-mounted patient lift.

  • The installation of a membrane air barrier to allow for higher-than-average humidity levels, hepafiltered air, and upgrades to the heating and cooling systems to optimize patient comfort.

  • Infection control was improved with the addition of hallway wash sinks and private rooms with individual bathrooms.

  • Lighting in treatment and patient rooms has been improved through the use of ceiling examining lights.

  • Treatment rooms have been enlarged and a state of the art shower stretcher added for improved wound treatment and ease of providing advanced pain control techniques. These rooms have also been equipped with suction and medical gases.

  • Redevelopment of the nurses’ station, medication room and other support areas has improved working spaces. An education room was added to facilitate educational presentations and a nurse’s lounge was added.

  • New televisions for diversion during treatments and entertainment for the patient during their potentially lengthy recovery.

  • Education is an essential part of providing excellent patient care and the donations have enabled numerous nurses to attend burn conferences throughout North America to advance their knowledge of burn practice and research.

  • A Quiet Room has been created in memory of Nicole Creig.  The Quiet Room can be used by families visiting loved ones receiving care at the CFBTC.

Quiet Room Plaque

The Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Society’s year-round fundraising efforts have helped burn unit staff stay up-to-date with advancements in burn care and treatment.  The burn unit team is comprised of highly skilled health care professionals working together to provide the highest quality care to burn patients. The following personnel are part of the team:

Medical Staff

Burn patients are under the care of plastic surgeons. The plastic surgeons look after the physical aspects of the damage caused by burns, plus attempt to improve appearance and function to the areas affected with minimal evidence of scarring. The surgeons also supervise resident doctors who are specializing in burn care and plastic surgery, and work as part of the team to provide the patient with the best opportunity for recovery.

Nursing Staff

The patient care manager is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the burn care centre and coordinates the activities of the burn unit team. Registered nurses provide the bedside care and oversee all treatments the patients receive. They also provide support for the patient and their families.

Burn Centre Nurse


The physiotherapist helps the patient regain physical function, strength and endurance through exercises, mobilization and physical aides.

Occupational Therapist

The occupational therapist assists the patient in becoming more independent through therapeutic activities and special devices. They also ensures proper positioning of limbs with splints and manage scars with pressure garments and special products.

Social Worker

The social worker provides counseling and emotional support. They assist in practical problems such as financial assistance and discharge planning.


The dietitian ensures the patient receives a high calorie, high protein diet required for healing burn injuries.

Spiritual Care

Spiritual Care offers support for all the patients and their families regardless of religious affiliation.


The psychiatrist and the psychiatric nurse assist the patient and the family in the management and support of their mental health.

The Calgary Health Foundation is the not-for-profit charitable arm of the Calgary Health Region. They are the middle party that represents the charity organization and ensures that our annual donation goes directly to the objectives set out by the CFBTS. They release the funds on a quarterly basis to the CHR, allowing them to use the money under the guidelines set out by the charity.

We designate that the funds be used to purchase new specialized equipment for the burn unit ensuring enhanced patient care. We also allow for the continuing education of burn treatment staff to remain current in new treatment techniques.

Please visit our donate or purchase area and lend us your financial support.


Associate Professor
Comparative Biology & Experimental Medicine (CBEM)
Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Society
Chair in Skin Regeneration and Wound Healing

Dr. Biernaskie is an Assistant Professor of Stem Cell Biology and course lecturer in developmental neurobiology, cell biology, embryology and is also the coordinator for the graduate course in Regenerative Medicine.  His research focuses on dermal stem cells located within hair follicles and exploiting these cells to develop novel therapies for improved wound healing after burn injury.  His lab also studies peripheral glial cell biology and development of treatments for improved nervous system repair.Comparative Biology & Experimental Medicine (CBEM).  He is also sitting as the Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Society Chair in Skin Regeneration and Wound Healing

Vincent Gabriel MD MSc FRCPC

Medical Director, Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Centre

Dr. Gabriel graduated with MD and Bachelor of Science in Medicine degrees from the University of Saskatchewan, completed residency at the University of Alberta and followed that with a Master’s degree from The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre at Dallas and the Rehabilitation Medicine Scientist Training Program.

Dr. Gabriel’s practice specializes in the non-operative management of acute wounds and scars.  He collaborates with Dr. Biernaskie on several wound healing projects but also carries out clinical and population-based burn related research including instrumented analysis of skin disorders, burn related disaster management and clinical trials.

Dr. Jevon Brown, MD, MSC, FRCSC

Surgical Director, Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Centre

Dr. Jevon Brown has been dedicated to burn care since 2010, starting during his residency training in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Calgary. He completed his residency in 2015, gaining extensive experience in burn treatment. After becoming a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Dr. Brown further specialized in craniofacial surgery at the University of Washington in Seattle, focusing on both adult and pediatric patients with acquired and congenital facial conditions.

Since 2015, Dr. Brown has served as an Attending Physician with the Plastic Surgery service at the Foothills Medical Centre, where he has been actively involved in the care of burn patients.

In 2024, Dr. Brown became the Surgical Burn Director for the Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Centre. He is also the Director of the Calgary Craniofacial Trauma Clinic and remains deeply involved in medical education and research, holding an academic position at the University of Calgary, with additional teaching credentials from the University of Washington.

The Alberta Firefighters Burn Camp is a joint initiative between the Edmonton and Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Societies, made possible by generous donations and the unwavering support of fire departments throughout Alberta.

Every year, children from across Alberta and surrounding regions gather at Camp Easter Seals in Kananaskis Country for the annual Burn Camp. These children have either survived a burn injury themselves or are siblings who have been directly affected by the traumatic experience and recovery process.

Nestled in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains, the camp offers these kids a chance to set aside their injuries, even if just for a week, and simply enjoy being children. Whether they bear physical scars or have endured emotional and psychological pain from their burn injuries and recovery, these kids get to experience an action-packed week. They participate in activities like mountain biking, white-water rafting, outdoor survival training, and mountain/tree climbing, while also finding solace in sharing their stories of survival and resilience.

Burn Camp-44 Small

With the support of firefighters, nurses, and camp counselors, the children at Burn Camp build lasting friendships and connect with others who see them for who they are, not defined by their injuries.

Support from our generous donors and sponsors make it possible to give these kids a week of pure joy and adventure.

One of the most anticipated moments of the week is the water fight—a favorite among both the kids and the staff. Rain or shine, everyone gears up with fire hoses, water guns, buckets, or anything that can hold water. For two hours, or until the water runs out, the kids face off against the firefighters in a massive, unforgettable water battle. It’s a joyful reminder that these children are still kids, full of energy and spirit.

The annual Burn Camp is made possible by the generous support of the Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Society.

Water Fight


Highly specialized UCalgary lab brings new understanding of skin cancer linked to burn scars

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